I recently had the opportunity to speak at CSSConf 2016. These are some of my personal notes on the experience. For a more extensive recap on the talks, check out Miriam’s write-up.

The Conference
The conference was held in Boston, which was great, because it finally gave me a reason to travel there. I didn’t have much time to explore, but I liked what I saw. Nice city.

The talks were awesome. CSS doesn’t always get a lot of love from my programmer peers, so it was nice to be in the company of people that geek out about CSS as much as I do. Even when people disagreed on certain points, it was still refreshing that people had opinions and cared enough about CSS to disagree.
The conference took place at Laugh Boston, a comedy club, which was a fantastic choice. The casual atmosphere was a welcome change of pace from your typical conference room. And now I can say I’ve performed at a comedy club.
My Talk
You can watch my talk, Silky Smooth Animation with CSS, embedded below. Slides are available here.
The wifi went out during my talk, which taught me a very valuable lesson in public speaking: make sure that you have your demos saved locally AND that they work offline. I only had the former. Fortunately I was able to hop on the wifi from the pub next door, otherwise I would have been dead in the water.
Until Next Time
It was great to finally meet a lot of people I’d only known on Twitter, as well as a bunch of new people. The front-end community is top notch. Other talks are up on the CSSConf 2016 site. Definitely worth checking out.