Hi, I'm Will.

I'm a design technologist in Atlanta. I like working on the front-end of the web. This is my site, Coder's Block, where I blog and share whatever side projects I've been working on.

Let's Connect

You can find me on Bluesky, GitHub, and CodePen.

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Favorite Projects

  1. WordPress Export to Markdown

    Node.js utility that converts WordPress content into Markdown files for static site generators.

  2. Hello Houdini

    Introduction to the Houdini project, the CSS paint API, and the things they allow you to do with CSS.

  3. Silky Smooth CSS Animation

    Talk I gave at CSSConf 2016 about how browsers render animations and how to optimize them.

  4. Align 4

    Board game played against an AI. Uses multi-threaded JavaScript and a minmax algorithm.

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Favorite Bits

  • Domo Dance Party — Just some dancing domos for no reason other than to play with CSS animation. They’re all square, so I guess you could call it square dancing?

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